Offer Filters Explorer tool updated

Offer Filters Explorer tool updated


  • Kidney transplant programs
  • Transplant Administrators, Transplant programs, Transplant Physicians, Transplant Quality Directors, Transplant Coordinators

At-a-glance statement

The Offer Filters Explorer tool has been updated with additional recent data. Now, users can see offers from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2022.

Additional details

With the newly updated data, transplant programs can better understand how their Offer Filters would have affected the number of offers received recently. Notably, this updated cohort has over a year of data available since the removal of DSA from kidney allocation. The “Recommended Model Filters” and “Other Model Filters” available in Offer Filters Explorer have not been affected.

Education and resources

See the original educational resource available via UNOS Connect for more details on Offer Filters. To find this education resource, search for Offer Filters: Transplant Programs or SYS172 in UNOS Connect (UNetSM login required). After an initial search, you can refine searches using filters located on the left side on the Learning Search page. Access Subject and select System from the dropdown to search for Offer Filters courses.


If you have questions relating to Offer Filters Explorer, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected] with your questions or feedback.





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