Nominees Chosen for Board of Directors Election

Nominees Chosen for Board of Directors Election

At its December 2017 meeting, the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors approved the following slate of nominees for Board appointments beginning in July 2018.

OPTN/UNOS member voting representatives will receive a ballot and biographical information for the nominees in early 2018.

Board Position and Candidates:

President (vote for one)
Sue Dunn, RN, B.S.N., M.B.A.
Donor Alliance

Vice President/President-Elect (vote for one)
A. Michael Borkon, M.D.
Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City

Maryl Johnson, M.D.
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics

Vice President, Patient & Donor Affairs (vote for one)
James Kiehm, B.S.

Deanna L. Santana, B.S.

Secretary (vote for one)
Theresa Daly, M.S., RN, B.S.N., FNP
New York Presbyterian/Columbia Medical Center

Ian Jamieson, M.B.A., M.H.A.
Duke University Hospital

Immediate Past President (vote for one)
Yolanda Becker, M.D.
University of Chicago Medical Center

Regional Councillors (vote for five)

Region 3
Christopher D Anderson, M.D.
University of Mississippi Medical Center

Region 4
Steven Potter, M.D., FACS
East Texas Medical Center

Region 5
Kunam Reddy, M.D.
Mayo Clinic, Phoenix

Region 6
Susan Orloff, M.D., FACS, AASLD
Oregon Health & Science University

Region 9
Rob Kochik
Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network

At Large Abdominal Surgery Representative (vote for one)
Juan Carlos Caicedo, M.D., FACS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Rene Romero, M.D.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

At Large Hepatology Representative (vote for one)
Terry Box, M.D.
University of Utah Medical Center

Simon Horslen, M.B., Ch.B.
Seattle Children’s Hospital

At Large Nephrology Representative (vote for two)
Eileen Brewer, M.D.
Texas Children’s Hospital

Richard Formica, M.D. Yale New Haven Hospital

Jerry McCauley, M.D., M.P.H., FACP
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

At Large Pulmonology Representative (vote for one)
Luis Angel, M.D.
NYU Langone Medical Center

Marc Shecter, M.D.
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati

At Large Transplant Administrator Representative
James Rodrigue, Ph.D.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Timothy Stevens, M.D., B.S.N., CCTC
Sacred Heart Medical Center

Patient and Donor Affairs Representatives(vote for four)
Rosemary Berkery, J.D.

Randee Bloom, Ph.D., M.B.A., RN

Laura DePiero, RN, B.S.N.

Joseph Hillenburg

Merle Zuel, RN

OPO Representative (vote for one)
Diane Brockmeier, RN, B.S.N., M.H.A.
Mid-America Transplant Services

Histocompatibility Representative (vote for one)
Walter Herczyk, MT (ASCP), CHS (ABHI)
Gift of Life Michigan Histocompatibility Laboratory

Transplant Coordinator Representative (vote for one)
Mary Francois, RN, M.S., CCTC

Medical/Scientific Organization Representative (vote for two)
Sharon Bartosh, M.D.
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics

Charles M. Miller, M.D.
Cleveland Clinic Foundation

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