New version of the Offer Filters Explorer tool for kidney transplant programs now available

New version of the Offer Filters Explorer tool for kidney transplant programs now available

Instructions on how to access the Offer Filters Explorer tool and filters modeling can be found in the Data Services Portal under the documentation section.

Audience: (please share this with anyone in your organization that would benefit from it)

  • Kidney primary program administrators, surgeons and physicians

Implementation date

October 13, 2021


UNOS has updated the Offer Filters Explorer tool for kidney transplant programs. The tool allows programs to enter filter criteria and see how a filter would affect the kidney offers your program received over the past 5 years. You can use Offer Filters Explorer to view the potentially effective filters that the model identified for your kidney program.

Additional information

The Offer Filters Explorer tool update is the first phase of the UNetSM Offer Filters national rollout happening in early 2022. The national rollout will allow kidney transplant programs to bypass donor offers they do not want to receive through data-driven, multi-criteria filters.

In preparation for the national rollout, the model identifies potentially effective filters for each kidney transplant program using the program’s organ acceptance data from July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2021.

Education and Resources

 Instructions on how to access the Offer Filters Explorer tool and filters modeling can be found under the Data Services Portal documentation section.


Contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected],or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST.

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