New program interfaces available for CPRA calculator, Donor XML uploads

New program interfaces available for CPRA calculator, Donor XML uploads

UNOS has recently created two additional application program interfaces (APIs) available that enable members to exchange data from their systems to UNOS’ IT applications more easily and securely.

APIs are programs that allow data exchanges between different computer applications that weren’t initially designed to share information. APIs are freely available to be adapted into data systems developed by individual member institutions or third-party vendors.

The CPRA calculator is now available as an API. Using this API, a user can submit a list of unacceptable antigens for a given candidate and receive a CPRA value in return. This is the first UNOS API offering available for primary use by transplant centers and histocompatibility laboratories.

In addition, an API is now available to allow OPO staff to transmit a donor XML data file to DonorNet®. Use of this API reduces both the process challenge and potential security risk associated with transferring the protected health information in a donor data file.

To learn more about APIs, or to get access to them, have your IT representative send an email to [email protected] and ask for login information to the developer portal.

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