New Intestine Program Applications and Bylaws

New Intestine Program Applications and Bylaws

Update: the program application date has been extended to April 30, 2018.

The OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors approved bylaws in June 2015 defining a designated intestine transplant program and establishing minimum qualifications for primary intestine transplant surgeons and physicians. The implementation of these bylaws was delayed to allow for the development of new application forms and the approval of those forms by Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB has recently approved the new intestine transplant program applications.

As described in the Policy Notice issued in July 2015, UNOS will send the OPTN intestine program application and an opt-out form to all transplant hospitals with an intestine program with a current status of “Active, Approval Not Required.” All transplant hospitals with an active intestine transplant program will be asked to either complete and submit the intestine application form or submit the opt-out form within 120 days.

If your transplant hospital does not intend to apply for an intestine transplant program, use the opt-out form to document your intention. If your transplant hospital does not receive an application but wishes to apply for an intestine transplant program, send a request to [email protected] to get an application and the necessary instructions.

The effective date of the intestine transplant program bylaws will coincide with the date that the Membership and Professional Standards Committee acts on all intestine transplant program applications received during the 120 day submission period.

Once the Bylaws are implemented, if your transplant hospital does not have an approved intestine transplant program, but you have intestine or liver-intestine candidates on your waiting list, you must follow the patient notice and transition plan requirements described in OPTN Bylaws Appendix K (Transplant Program Inactivity, Withdrawal, and Termination)

The new bylaw language can be found in the Membership and Personnel Requirements for Intestine Transplant Programs policy notice on the OPTN website.

UNOS will implement the membership and personnel requirements for intestine transplant programs on the following schedule:

October 2, 2017

  • UNOS Membership Analysts will send communication with applications and opt-out forms to transplant hospitals with an intestine program with a current status of “Active, Approval Not Required.”

April 30, 2018

  • Due date for all intestine transplant program applications or opt-out forms for consideration before the bylaws are implemented. If we receive your application after this deadline, we cannot guarantee it will be processed prior to the implementation date.

July 19, 2018

  • Latest possible effective date of intestine transplant program membership and personnel bylaws. Notice will be provided 30 days prior to the effective date.

If you have any questions, please contact Christi Manner, Jasmine Smith or Tierra Simpkins by phone at (804) 782-4800 or by email using the format [email protected].

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