New Implementation date for HLA Equivalency Table Update and addition of DQA1 equivalences

New Implementation date for HLA Equivalency Table Update and addition of DQA1 equivalences

Implementation date: Sept. 12, 2017


  • Transplant hospital staff
  • OPOs
  • Histocompatibility lab staff
  • OPTN KPD program participants

Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information.

Important update:

We posted a system notice a month ago informing you of the Aug. 29 implementation date for HLA Equivalency Table Updates and the addition of DQA1 equivalences. We have changed that implementation date to Sept. 12.

As a result of a patient safety related concern brought forward by the community during beta testing, the OPTN/UNOS Histocompatibility leadership requested that UNOS not implement allele-level typing options for DR51, DR52 and DR53 at this time. Consequently, on Sept. 12 we will implement all changes detailed in the original notice, except for the allele-level typing options for DR51, DR52 and DR53.

Specific changes:
The following options will not be added:

  • For DR51: 5*01:01 and 5*02:02
  • For DR52: 3*01:01, 3*02:02 and 3*03:01
  • For DR53: 4*01:01 and 4*01:03

If you have questions about these system changes, please contact the UNet Help Desk at (800) 978-4334. For general questions, particularly those related to compliance, monitoring or policy, please contact your UNOS Regional Administrator at 804-782-4800.

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