New enhancements added to DonorNet and Waitlist resulting from NATCO collaboration

New enhancements added to DonorNet and Waitlist resulting from NATCO collaboration


Several new enhancements are now available in and DonorNet® and WaitlistSM

Additional details

DonorNet enhancements include:

  • Display the Calculated P/F Ratio in the ABGs/Ventilator Settings section
    • Transplant programs will now see the calculated P/F ratio (PaO2/FIO2) along with the ABGs/Ventilator settings data
    • OPO users will not see the P/F ratio in their view of the donor record and it will be visible on the printed version of the donor record

Goal: Provide the P/F Ratio calculation within the DonorNet System for organ evaluation

  • Duplicate donor warning message 
    • OPOs will see a warning message when they attempt to create a new donor for the same hospital with identical values for last name, race and ethnicity within any 48-hour period

Goal: Reduce the incidence of accidental creation of multiple donor IDs for the same deceased donor

  • Match ID dropdown improvements
    • Additional information has been appended to the match ID dropdown that appears on the match run list page. OPO users will now also see the status of the match (closed or completed) in addition to the match ID and organ.

Goal: Distinguish between multiple match runs for the same organ when toggling between different matches

Waitlist enhancement includes:

  • Warning message for candidates not accruing waiting time
    • For candidates on the waiting list, a new warning message will display on the candidate record whenever a Kidney or Kidney-pancreas candidate is not accruing waiting time due to not meeting the qualifying criteria.

Goal: Support members with accuracy in listing


The improvements are a direct outcome of a collaborative event during NATCO’s annual conference in August 2023. At this event, transplant professionals joined UNOS’ staff to brainstorm and design enhancements for UNet, focusing on enhancing its capabilities for the community’s benefit.

Additional information

Are you interested in attending an upcoming Collaboration Event? UNOS is partnering with NATCO for another event at the annual meeting in February. We invite you to participate.

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