New enhancements added to DonorNet

New enhancements added to DonorNet

Implementation date

May 29, 2024


The following enhancements have been added to DonorNet®, giving users quicker access to member contact information and more visibility of the most recent donor record update:

  • OPO Console Contact Updates:
    • The current secondary on-call contact has been added to the contact detail for each hospital.
    • The contact section has been updated to display the “Currently On-Call” (Primary and Secondary) contacts before the “Notified Contacts” (Primary and Secondary).
  • OPO view of the Transplant Hospital Contact on Potential Transplant Recipient (PTR) list
    • The primary and secondary on-call contact is now visible when candidate information is expanded in the Potential Transplant Recipient (PTR) section of the match list.
    • Clicking “Show Additional Contact” in a transplant center’s contact information allows users to see the 24-hour contact number for the transplant hospital as entered on the candidate’s WaitlistSM record.
  • Match Page OPO Contact
    • A new toggle titled “Show Other Contact” has been added to the top of the match, displaying the OPO’s main contact number.
  • Last XML Update on Donor Record
    • OPO users will see a new alert at the top of the donor record displaying the timestamp of the last XML file upload. The alert will display only for OPO users.

These enhancements were the result of a collaboration event at the annual NATCO conference, where transplant professionals partnered with UNOS’ staff to identify and deliver UNet system enhancements to the community.

Education and resources

UNet help documentation has been updated with these changes.

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