Two new data elements added to transplant program Center STAR files, available March 7

Two new data elements added to transplant program Center STAR files, available March 7

Transplant hospital Center STAR files contain datasets of information related to waiting list registrations and transplants. UNOS creates the file based on data every hospital enters into Waitlist℠ and TIEDI® applications as well as additional data elements collected from organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and histocompatibility labs. UNOS also includes patient deaths reported from other sources.

Based on requests from transplant professionals and items identified by UNOS research staff, UNOS has added COVID information for Donor and Match ID to the Center STAR files.

  • The updated data files that reflect this change will be available on March 7, 2022
  • Updated corresponding file layouts are available as of Feb. 7

Users should adjust any automated process used to import these files.


New data elements that will be added to the transplant/waitlist files for all organ types:

  • MATCH_ID (NUM): ID number of organ match run resulting in transplant
  • COVID_POS_DON (CHAR(1)): Donor tested positive for COVID

In all cases, these new fields are the last columns in the layout.

Where to find them

All hospitals can access their Center STAR files from the Data Services Portal in Unet℠

  • Select Resources from the main menu
  • Select Data Services
  • Select OPTN Data Files
  • Find the updated file layouts under Documentation

If you are unable to access any of these sections, contact your UNet site administrator.

What you should know about STAR files

  • Data is available “on demand” to all hospitals with no need to submit a data request
  • UNOS updates the information monthly
  • Information includes all waiting list registrations and transplants performed at your institution since Oct. 1, 1987
  • Transplant hospitals can access detailed follow-up, post-transplant malignancy, and immunosuppression information about their transplant recipients
  • Available in both SAS CPORT and delimited formats
  • For more details, please find the Center STAR Files User Guide under Documentation in the Data Services Portal. For details on dataset and field descriptions, see the STAR file documentation spreadsheets.


Contact UNOS Customer Service at 1-800-978-4334 or [email protected]


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