New and changed data collection on TIEDI in effect

New and changed data collection on TIEDI in effect


  • Transplant hospital coordinators, data coordinators, quality coordinators, administrators, and directors who update and validate the following TIEDI® forms:
    • Transplant Recipient Registration form (TRR)
    • Pediatric Transplant Recipient Follow-Up (TRF)
    • Pediatric Transplant Candidate Registration (TCR)
    • Liver Transplant Candidate Registration (TCR)
    • Liver Recipient Explant Pathology Form (LIEX)

Implementation date

Aug. 30, 2022


Several policy changes impacting TIEDI forms are now in effect. These policies are:

Data collection changes related to these policies include:

  • All Transplant Recipient Registration forms (TRR)
    • Members will be required to assess the need to provide HBV vaccination and report candidate’s HBV vaccination status to the OPTN prior to transplant on the TRR.
  • Pediatric Transplant Recipient Registration forms (TRR), Pediatric Transplant Candidate Registration forms (TCR), 1 and 5 year Pediatric Transplant Recipient Follow Up forms (TRF)
    • Height Date of Measurement and Weight Date of Measurement will now be collected separately.
  • Liver Transplant Recipient Registration form (TRR) and Liver Transplant Candidate Registration form (TCR)
    • Options for Alcohol-Associated Primary and Secondary Diagnoses have been changed to “Alcohol-associated cirrhosis without acute alcohol-associated hepatitis” and “Acute alcohol-associated hepatitis with or without cirrhosis”.
    • The diagnosis “Alcoholic Cirrhosis with Hepatitis C” has been inactivated.
  • Liver Recipient Explant Pathology Form (LIEX)
    • A question has been clarified to read “Did recipient receive any pre-transplant liver-directed therapy for HCC”. The meaning and purpose of this question has not changed.
    • If a response of No is reported for both questions, “Was evidence of HCC (viable or non-viable tumor) found in the explant” and “Did recipient receive any pre-transplant liver-directed therapy for HCC,” a notification will be displayed reminding the member to submit supporting documentation of the patient’s HCC diagnosis at the time of assignment.

What you need to do

Members who are responsible for completing these forms will need to begin completing them in compliance with policy beginning today. Members will also:

  • Report HBV vaccination status on the TRR
  • Report separate dates of measurement for both height and weight on all pediatric forms in TIEDI


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 am to 7 pm EST

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected]

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