Need feedback from transplant professionals on social media and living donors

Need feedback from transplant professionals on social media and living donors

It has become increasingly routine for individuals needing a transplant to use social media to find a potential living donor. Yet this phenomenon brings a variety of challenges that many transplant centers may not be well prepared for.

Without proper resources, some transplant center staff find themselves asking:

  • How do I advise my transplant candidates on how to use social media appropriately?
  • How do I assess the motivations and relationships of donors that my candidates find through social media?
  • With limited resources, how do I manage the outcome of extremely successful social media campaigns?
  • How do I deal with the inequities of social media when all candidates don’t have access to the same resources?

To help centers answer these questions and more, The OPTN Living Donor Committee is creating a social media guidance document for the transplant community. Your responses to this questionnaire will help them create this useful resource. Transplant program directors, administrators and quality directors of living donor programs are especially encouraged to provide feedback, but all living donor transplant staff are welcome to respond. Please share the link with your other living donor program colleagues.

It should take you about 15 minutes to complete. Please complete your responses by September 27.

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