National rollout of Offer Filters for kidney now available

National rollout of Offer Filters for kidney now available


  • All UNetSM users
  • Kidney transplant programs
  • Transplant Administrators, Transplant programs, Transplant Physicians, Transplant Quality Directors, Transplant Coordinators
  • OPO users who send electronic organ offers

Implementation date

Jan. 27, 2022


The national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney is now available. Offer Filters is a tool that will increase kidney utilization through data-driven, multi-criteria filters so that OPOs can find an accepting candidate more quickly.

Offer Filters allow kidney transplant programs to:

  • Avoid unwanted organ offers
  • Accelerate organ allocation
  • Transplant more organs by altering how organ offers are filtered

UNet Site Security Administrators will need to create a new group in the UNet Security Administration application for individuals who need access to the Offer Filters Manager application.

OPOs also have a new workflow in DonorNet® when they make electronic offers on kidney matches.

What you need to do

Transplant programs:

  • Transplant programs can use the Offer Filters Explorer tool to decide which filters your program will utilize. You can view and modify your program’s model-recommended filters or create your own user-defined filters.
  • Transplant programs can use the Offer Filters Manager to modify their filters, turn filters on to bypass organ offers and monitor filters with a real-time report. The Offer Filters Manager has been pre-populated with your program’s model-recommended filters and the filters have been turned off by default.
  • Transplant programs’ UNet Site Security Administrator can grant access to the Offer Filters Manager application in UNet. If you are unsure of your UNet Security Administrator, call the UNet Help Desk at 1-800-978-4334or email [email protected].


Review the education resources in UNOS Connect to learn about the changes to the notification process in support of the Offer Filters project. You can search for your course from the Learner Home page by searching for Offer Filters: Organ Procurement Organizations or SYS173 (UNet login required). After an initial search, you can refine searches using filters located on the left side on the Learning Search page. Access Subject and select System from the dropdown to search for offer filters courses.

Additional details

Transplant programs:

To access the Offer Filters Explorer tool:

  • Log into UNet
  • Access the data services portal
  • Select OPTN Visual Analytics
  • Select Offer Filters Explorer to view model-derived filters


Offer filters only apply to kidney offers. Other organ types will not be impacted by offer filters.

Education and resources

Transplant programs:

Review the education resources in UNOS Connect. Search for Offer Filters: Transplant Programs or SYS172.


Review the education resources in UNOS Connect. Search for Offer filters: Organ Procurement Organizations or SYS173.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 am to 7 pm EST.


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