UNet enhancements developed during NATCO’s UNOS Innovation Event now in place

UNet enhancements developed during NATCO’s UNOS Innovation Event now in place

“We want to hear from you. When you are going through your day-to-day tasks, what’s on your wish list?”

Emily Kneipp, UNOS IT staff

“This was so beneficial. I will definitely be taking this back to my team. Being a coordinator is a huge job, and any improvement makes a difference in how we do our work.”

DeAnna Padilla, Organ Recovery Coordinator at Donor Network of Arizona

These are just some of the comments shared at the UNOS Innovation Event held during NATCO’s 2019 annual meeting last August. Held in conjunction with transplant conferences across the country, these events provide OPO and transplant professionals an opportunity to work with UNOS IT staff on-site to develop enhancements and improvements in UNet. This is how it works.

Day 1: Gather feedback from attendees and select a few ideas to work on during the conference.

Days 2 & 3: Programmers get to work finding solutions.

Day 4: Complete programming and present changes to conference participants.

A few weeks later, after testing and implementing the changes, three out of four of the requested improvements are live.

Improvements to UNet, DonorNet and TIEDI made as part of the NATCO event

Organ Offer Call: The automated voice message of organ offer calls was shortened by removing the Match ID from the recorded information. Released on August 21. 

TIEDI DDR Form: A provider lookup link was added next to the Recovery Team field to give OPO coordinators an easier way to look up transplant hospital provider numbers. The link goes directly to the transplant center member list that currently exists in online help. Released on August 21. 

Potential Transplant Recipient (PTR) Widget in DonorNet: When viewing Expected Organ Offer (PTR) Information, the widget now clearly displays the organ type along with the Match ID, Donor ID, Name and Match Date. Released on August 21. 

Coming soon: Language and usability improvements to the OPO Console page after additional research and OPO consultation. Stay tuned.

Helpful hints

  • The home page “quick search” bar in DonorNet is clickable. If the dropdown menu takes too long to load, click on the search bar.
  • Every page in DonorNet page contains a list of related links, including an Attachment View Log. Find them in the upper right corner.

Come to the next UNOS Innovation Event
Do you have an idea that would improve UNet or make it easier to use? Register for upcoming Innovation Events:

  • Feb. 2020 – AOPO Procurement Council
  • May 2020 – Transplant Management Forum
  • July/Aug. 2020 – NATCO Annual Meeting
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