MPSC at work on transplant program performance monitoring project

MPSC at work on transplant program performance monitoring project

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) is working to finalize a proposal to improve transplant program metrics, and plans to release it for public comment in the summer of 2021. The MPSC briefed the OPTN Board of Directors on the status of the project at a virtual meeting held March 29, 2021, and will update them on progress at the June board meeting.

Richard Formica, M.D., on behalf of the MPSC’s Performance Monitoring Enhancement subcommittee, outlined the project, the primary goal of which is to monitor for patient safety concerns as well as opportunities for transplant program process improvement.

In its report to the board in June 2019, the Ad Hoc Systems Performance Committee (SPC) included performance monitoring enhancement as one of the four areas for which it provided recommendations, and the MPSC has been charged with continuing the work of the SPC in this area.

Currently, the MPSC uses a single metric—one year post-transplant graft and patient survival—to identify transplant programs in need of performance improvement. The MPSC is currently seeking a more holistic approach to evaluation of transplant program performance and is evaluating ways to incorporate multiple phases of transplant care into a balanced scorecard.

The MPSC plans to submit the proposal to the Board of Directors for their consideration at its December meeting later this year, following the summer 2021 public comment period.

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