Median MELD and PELD scores at transplant updated

Median MELD and PELD scores at transplant updated

As of Sept. 24, 2019, updated median MELD at transplant (MMaT) and median PELD at transplant (MPaT) scores will be used as a basis for assigning exception scores for liver transplant candidates. The new scores are listed here for reference.

The scores are recalculated every 180 days, They are based on a 365-day cohort of transplant recipients that excludes Status 1A and Status 1B transplants, as well as transplants from living donors, cardiac death donors, and donors from outside the region of the recipient transplant hospital (national shares).

The MMaT scores are currently calculated for each liver transplant program from all transplant recipients in the cohort with a MELD score, age 12 and older at time of transplant, at all programs within the Donation Service Area (DSA) of the program listing the candidate. Please note that within your individual DSA, the MMaT may have changed to reflect differences in transplants performed within the past few months.

The MPaT score is calculated from all transplant recipients in the cohort with a PELD score, age under 12 at time of transplant. This score remains at 35 and has not changed from the previous calculation.

As of the effective date, if your transplant program’s MMaT score has changed as a result of the update, exception scores indexed to the MMaT will automatically be updated for all candidates. The score will also be updated in all current requests for new or extended exception scores. Transplant programs should keep candidates’ lab tests current in case their calculated MELD score is now more comparable to their updated exception score.

As reference, the MMaT calculations have also been updated to reflect comparable liver transplants performed within a radius of 250 nautical miles of each transplant program. These scores are not currently in effect but will be used upon implementation of liver allocation policy based on acuity circles.

Transplant program staff with any questions may send an e-mail to [email protected]. Transplant candidates or their family members may call Patient Services at 888-894-6361.

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