Learn more about National Liver Review Board

Learn more about National Liver Review Board

Webinar registration opens Nov. 6.

UNOS will implement the National Liver Review Board (NLRB) in early 2019.  UNOS is offering a series of educational events to help you prepare for these changes.  The following chart shows upcoming educational opportunities.  It will be updated as more details are available.

Registration for the December 13 live webinar will open November 6.  To register, visit UNOS Connect.  You can access it through the Home page, or click into the Live Webinar Course Catalog Category. After registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions on how to get the webinar link.  If you are attending the webinar as part of a group viewing, you must first register in UNOS Connect in order to receive credit for taking the course.  This event will be recorded and posted to UNOS Connect within seven business days for later viewing.

Please note: Liver distribution policy will be implemented early in 2019 after NLRB.  We will update this article with information on educational offerings relating to liver distribution as they are scheduled.

DateTopic/synopsisHow to access/learn more
Dec. 6National Liver Review Board policy: MELD/PELD exception scoring

In addition to the structure of the new NLRB, candidates meeting the criteria for standardized exceptions will be assigned MELD/PELD exception scores in a different way. This offering explains the new MELD/PELD exception scoring that will be implemented with NLRB in 2019.

UNOS Connect
Dec. 13;
3-4 p.m. (EST)
National Liver Review Board policy: New processes

This live webinar will outline the new review board structure and explain what members need to know about submitting MELD/PELD exception requests, the appeals process, and how existing exceptions and unresolved forms will be transitioned.  The event will be recorded and posted to UNOS Connect within seven business days of the live event.

UNOS Connect
Dec. 18NLRB training for review board representativesUNOS Connect
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