Keep patient safety contact info current

Keep patient safety contact info current

OPTN policy requires all OPOs and transplant centers to designate a patient safety contact and follow a written protocol for the contact person’s responsibilities. It’s important to keep information about your contact up to date, since UNOS or another member institution may need to reach them at any time regarding an emergent patient safety issue.

You now have self-serve access through the Secure Enterprise homepage to update your institution’s patient safety contact information. Please take a moment to review your contact listing and update any out-of-date information.

A brief training module is available in UNOS Connect to walk you through the update process. You can locate “Updating the Patient Safety Contact List” from either the “System” or “Under 10 Minutes” category of offerings. Online help documentation is also available in Secure Enterprise.

If you have questions, please contact the UNet Help Desk at (800) 978-4334 or [email protected].

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