Improvements to Report of Organ Offers (ROO)

Improvements to Report of Organ Offers (ROO)

Community feedback brings improvements to data analysis tool

UNOS partnered with transplant professionals this September at AOPO’s Quality, Education and IT Councils Meeting. During this innovation event, OPO staff were able to offer their feedback directly to UNOS IT and Research staff about how the Report of Organ Offers (ROO) could be improved.

Effective December 13, you’ll see the following improvements:

  • Data spreadsheets will include a new flag that will allow you to identify when a recipient received more than one organ from the same donor (multi-organ transplant)
  • Ability to review the last 180 days of organ offers instead of only 120 days
  • Additional donor characteristics and data elements such as new viral detection information and biopsy information for kidney and liver
  • New organ outcomes report or OPOs with recipient outcomes data for donors offered and recovered by the OPO

You can expect these additional visual changes in early 2018:

  • More readable charts that better describe the data
  • Added filters that will allow you to dig into the data and explore ‘provisional yes’ acceptance practices by transplant centers

The ROO is one of many data analysis tools available in UNet’s Data Services Portal, first created in 2015. You can find an overview of the ROO report in UNOS Connect. From the course catalog, search for New Report of Organ Offers SYS100 in the UNet Systems category. The training reviews how to:

  • Access and use the ROO report
  • Compare and contrast the ROOT report with the ROO
  • Potential advantages, benefits or effective practices specific to OPOs and/or TXCs
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