Important note on upcoming VCA data collection

Important note on upcoming VCA data collection

Audience: (Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from it.)

  • Vascularized Composite Allograft transplant programs

Implementation date

Sept. 14, 2023


The current process for collecting Transplant Recipient Registration (TRR) forms and Transplant Recipient Follow-up (TRF) forms will not change when allocation of VCA organs moves to UNetSM on Sept. 14.

Once the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) evaluates and approves the new collection process, post-transplant data will be collected within TIEDI. Members will be notified before that process for VCA transplants is incorporated into UNet.

Additional details

Some data collection fields on the existing VCA forms will be new and updated. You can read about upcoming changes in the policy notices for these board approved policy projects:


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