Implementation notice: Changes to thoracic donor acceptance criteria

Implementation notice: Changes to thoracic donor acceptance criteria


  • All heart, heart-lung, lung transplant programs
  • OPTN Heart Transplantation Committee
  • OPTN Lung Transplantation Committee

Implementation date

March 9, 2023


Effective today (March 9), thoracic donor acceptance criteria for candidates no longer require separate data to be specified for both local and import donors. These fields have been simplified to a single field for donor acceptance criteria for heart, heart-lung and lung candidate listings. This change took effect along with the implementation of continuous distribution of lungs and is in preparation for when heart moves to continuous distribution at a later date.

What you need to do

Review the local donor age, height, weight, and DCD status acceptance criteria for your lung, heart and heart-lung candidates on the waiting list. Effective today (March 9), all matches use the acceptance criteria you had specified for local donors. Going forward, you only need to specify acceptance criteria once for each donor acceptance criterion.

Education and resources

Help documentation has been updated in WaitlistSM along with this release.


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