HOPE Act reminders for OPOs and transplant programs

HOPE Act reminders for OPOs and transplant programs

In light of the first transplants performed under the provisions of the federal HIV Organ Policy Equity Act (HOPE Act), here are reminders for transplant programs and OPOs who may be involved in donation or transplantation of HIV-positive liver or kidney donors, whether living or deceased.

Transplant program information

  • All kidney and liver transplant programs wishing to participate in HOPE Act research studies must receive IRB approval from their institution to participate according to research criteria established by the National Institutes of Health. Please note that the research criteria contain additional requirements for programs intending to perform living donor transplantation.
  • Upon receiving IRB approval, the center must submit a request form to UNOS to join the open variance for the HOPE Act. Included is a requirement to submit data safety monitoring board reports to the OPTN.
  • Once UNOS has reviewed and approved your request to participate in the variance, you will be able to indicate in WaitlistSM whether your candidate is willing to accept an HIV-positive kidney or liver.

OPO information

  • OPOs can run DonorNet® matches (livers and kidneys only) for HIV-positive donors. Only HIV-positive candidates from centers that have HOPE Act IRB approval and whose HIV status has been verified will appear on match runs for HIV-positive donors.

Data requirements

  • All transplant programs participating in the HOPE Act, as well as any OPO generating a match for HIV-positive donors, must comply with additional data requirements established by the NIH criteria and OPTN Policy 15.6 for documentation and verification of HIV-positive status, registration of candidates in the protocol, and safety monitoring.

Additional resources
Visit the HOPE Act resource section on the OPTN website for policy and system-related information, the request form to join the HOPE Act variance, educational and instructional resources.

View the November 2015 system notice detailing implementation of the HOPE Act.

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