Histocompatibility General Supervisor Key Personnel Requirement Now in Effect

Histocompatibility General Supervisor Key Personnel Requirement Now in Effect

In June 2015, the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors approved a rewrite of the histocompatibility bylaws that included the addition of the general supervisor to the list of laboratory key personnel. The implementation of the addition of this new requirement was delayed to allow for the development of a new key personnel application form, which then needed approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). All histocompatibility laboratory members were required to submit a key personnel application for a general supervisor who met the qualifications contained in OPTN Bylaws, Appendix C.3.C. General Supervisor Qualifications.

With the Membership and Professional Standards Committee approval of all General Supervisor key personnel applications on March 1, 2018, the requirements for notification of changes to key personnel and submission of a key personnel change application in OPTN Bylaws, Appendix C.5 Changes in Key Laboratory Personnel will apply to General Supervisors. References to the General Supervisor will also be added to the OPTN Bylaws Appendix C.4 Laboratory Coverage Plan and C.6 Histocompatibility Laboratory Policies and Procedure. The revised OPTN Bylaws are available on the OPTN website.

If you have any questions, please contact Christi Manner, Jasmine Smith or Tierra Simpkins by phone at (804) 782-4800 or by email using the format [email protected].

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