Heparin field changes in DonorNet® now live

Heparin field changes in DonorNet® now live

Audience (Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from it)

  • OPO Quality Mangers/Coordinators, Organ Procurement Admins/Managers, Quality Directors/Managers, Organ Procurement Coordinators, Primary OPO Administrative Directors, Primary OPO Medical Directors, OPO Associate Medical Directors, Organ Procurement Coordinator, OPO Data Analysts, OPO Data Coordinators

Implementation date

June 23, 2021

At-a-glance statement

To align with the common administration of Heparin in donors, the OPO community has asked to modify system requirements.  Previously, when “yes” was selected for Heparin on the Meds/Fluids tab of DonorNet®, OPOs were required to enter a begin date, begin time, end date, end time, and units to save the entry.  As of June 23, when “yes” is selected for Heparin, an end date and end time are no longer required. Selecting “yes” to Heparin will still require a begin date, begin time, and units.

What you need to do 

You no longer need enter the end date or end time for the Heparin dosage in DonorNet.  You can enter end date and end time, if applicable.

Additional details

The Heparin field on the Deceased Donor Registration form will not have any changes.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 am to 7 pm EST.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

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