For patients: Feb. 18 webinar on continuous distribution of kidneys and pancreata

For patients: Feb. 18 webinar on continuous distribution of kidneys and pancreata

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network will host a webinar Feb. 18 for the community to learn more about the continuous distribution framework and factors related to kidney and pancreas allocation.

The Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Committees currently have a request for feedback out for public comment. Prioritization exercises to help inform kidney and pancreas policy development are open through the close of public comment.  The public comment period runs from Jan. 27 through March 23.

Patient webinar: Moving toward kidney and pancreas continuous distribution allocation

  • Friday, Feb. 18: 2-3 p.m. ET
  • Register now
  • The webinar will be recorded and made available for later viewing


  • Earl Lovell, Member, Patient Affairs Committee
    • Earl is a heart recipient and the regional representative on the Patient Affairs Committee and also serves as an Ambassador for Sierra Donor Services and  Donor Network West
  • Silke Niederhaus, M.D., Past Chair, Pancreas Committee
    • Silke is a transplant surgeon from the University of Maryland in Baltimore, MD and a two-time kidney transplant recipient. She is also the past Chair of the Pancreas Committee
  • Precious McCowan, Patient Representative, Kidney Committee
    • Precious is a two-time kidney transplant recipient and donor parent. She serves as the patient representative on the Kidney Committee.
  • Martha Pavlakis, M.D., Chair, Kidney Committee
    • Martha is a nephrologist from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and is currently the Chair of the Kidney Committee
  • Rachel Forbes, M.D., Chair, Pancreas Committee
    • Rachel is a transplant surgeon from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN and is currently the Chair of the Pancreas Committee
  • Oyedolamu Olaitan, M.D., Vice Chair, Pancreas Committee
    • Dolamu is a transplant surgeon from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL and is currently the Vice Chair of the Pancreas Committee

Resources on continuous distribution

  • Visit the main continuous distribution page on the OPTN website for resources about the future of organ allocation
    • Watch the animations:
      • How is continuous distribution different from the current system?
      • How does the point-based system work?
    • Watch videos on organ allocation goals and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
    • Learn about AHP and how you can participate
  • Visit the kidney-pancreas continuous distribution page on the OPTN website
    • Watch videos on factors related to kidney and pancreas allocation in the current system

Questions? Please contact [email protected]


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