EY selected to analyze the existing OPTN regional structure

EY selected to analyze the existing OPTN regional structure

The OPTN has selected EY to conduct the regional review to analyze the existing OPTN regional structure and provide recommendations to improve governance effectiveness. OPTN regional boundaries are currently used to support the national organ transplant network’s governance and operations structure.

EY has proven experience in systems and operations design to perform the work needed and deliver informed recommendations to the OPTN Board of Directors.

EY was chosen using extensive selection criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Experience in organizational structure design and governance
  • Expertise in management consulting
  • Expertise in operations and systems design
  • Previous client satisfaction

The scope of work of EY will include, but is not limited to, the following requirements:

  • Assemble feedback from OPTN members and volunteers about the regional structure
  • Evaluate current Regional structure and process in supporting policy development consistent with the OPTN Final Rule
  • Develop recommendations for changes to the regional structure that could result in more effective OPTN governance
  • Develop a risk register and risk mitigation strategy for each recommendation
  • Deliver informed recommendations to the OPTN Board of Directors for consideration
  • Engage and review process requirements with HRSA throughout the evaluation process

EY is developing a plan to review the regions and is expected to deliver recommendations to the Board of Directors in late summer of 2021. The review is expected to include more input from the community.

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