Extra Vessels changes

Extra Vessels changes

We are making numerous changes related to Extra Vessels.  You should be aware of these changes so you can take appropriate action. These updates include:

The ability for a transplant center to scan an extra vessels label in TransNet’s website to view donor infectious disease information. This information is intended to assist transplant hospitals with OPTN Policy compliance when transplanting an extra vessel.  Please review this PDF for more information.

Removing Unknown result options for infectious disease tests and PHS increased risk question in DonorNet and TIEDI – Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) form

The Unknown result option for all infectious disease test results as well as the PHS increased risk question will no longer be an option.  In addition, Cannot disclose will no longer be a result option for infectious disease tests in the TIEDI – DDR form.  Please stop using these result options now to ensure your match runs will not be affected.

PHS increased risk guidance:

OPTN Policy 2.4 requires the host OPO to identify donors as PHS increased risk if the host OPO is unable to make this determination.

Infectious diseases result selection guidance:

Moving forward, please choose from the following infectious disease result options: Positive, Negative, Pending, Indeterminate or Not Done.

  • If an infectious disease test has been run but results have not been received yet, select Pending.
  • If you are unaware whether an infectious disease test has been run, select Not Done.
  • If the results from an infectious disease test were inconclusive, select Indeterminate.


New Extra Vessels 5”x 7” Polyplastic Label made available this summer

New Extra Vessel polyplastic labels for living and deceased donors were made available on July 1, 2019.  We have modified the labels to only include HIV, HBV, and HCV infectious disease tests/results.


New TransNet Mobile Applications version 5.10

Coming soon, an updated TransNet mobile application version that will be modified to only include HIV, HBV, and HCV infectious disease tests/results.  These changes align the TransNet mobile applications/labels with DonorNet and TIEDI.  This 5.10 version will be available in the Google Play and Apple App stores when the DonorNet and TIEDI changes go into effect sometime this summer.  All OPO coordinators must use this new version for all donor cases after the go live date to remain in compliance with OPTN Policy 16.3.D.  This policy requires HIV, HBV, and HCV results to be included on extra vessel labels.  We will be disabling features on older TransNet application versions to ensure that all users upgrade their apps.


Strongyloides infectious disease test

A Strongyloides infectious disease test will be added to DonorNet’s Infectious Diseases tab.  While this test is not required to execute a match run, you will be able to document its results when tested.  We’ll add this test to the TIEDI DDR form after OMB approval.


Future changes for Extra Vessels

Changes available in the third quarter (Q3) will allow OPOs to view extra vessel dispositions using a new report. The final phase of changes will give transplant centers the ability to scan the new extra vessels label for infectious disease results.

If you have questions or comments, please contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected].

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