New data services section on UNet now includes Center STAR files

New data services section on UNet now includes Center STAR files


As part of the recent UNet enhancement, transplant professionals have a new way to securely access and view multiple types of data reports related to their institution. We added the new Report of Organ Offers (ROO) to this section in January and we most recently added center STAR files for transplant centers. We will continue to add  additional reports and datasets for all members in the coming months.

You will find Data Services under the Resources tab on the main navigation menu. Before you can access any of the data reports, however, your site administrator must grant you access to the new application. You should also know that the data files include patient and staff identifiers, and access is institution rather than program/organ specific. For transplant centers this is different than all other sites in UNET. Once someone has access to data services, that person will see identified data for all organ programs associated with your institution.

Data Services is divided into three sections:

  • My Data Files
  • My Visual Analytics
  • Documentation

Currently Available Reports

Center STAR Files contain datasets of information related to your waiting list registrations and transplants. We create the file based on data your center entered into Waiting List and Tiedi as well as additional data elements collected from OPOs and histocompatibility labs. We also include patient deaths reported from other sources.

  • Information is now available on demand to all centers, not just by special request.
  • We will update the information monthly.
  • Includes all waiting list registrations and transplants performed at your institution since 10/1/1987.
  • Access detailed follow-up, post-transplant malignancy, and immunosuppression information about transplant recipients.
  • Available in both SAS CPORT and delimited formats.

My Data Files gives you access to various types of patient-identified and center-specific downloadable reports in a single secure location. In addition to new reports, you’ll find reports that were previously available by exporting Tiedi forms, downloading files from the UNetSM homepage, or by submitting a data request to the UNOS Research Department.
Not only will these raw data files be available on demand, but the Tableau software in the My Visual Analytics section will give you a new and intuitive way to visualize and share them.

As of January 11, you’ll find a Report of Organ Offers training recording in the Online Help section of Secure Enterprise.

We developed these resources for you! Please share your suggestions and continuous feedback with us at [email protected].

ROO Report

The first report you’ll be able to access from Data Services is the Report of Organ Offers (ROO). Similar to the current ROOT report, the ROO contains information on offers made by your OPO or received by your transplant center. The downloadable version includes one record per candidate on each match run with documented transplant center response information. For each offer, you’ll find data on:

  • Donor characteristics
  • Candidate status
  • Transplant center notification and response information
  • Recipient information if an organ was transplanted into a recipient at a U.S. transplant hospital.

In addition to a data file in the My Data Files section that can be used with Excel or other software, we also provide the data in Tableau in the My Visual Analytics section. This provides you with the ability to visually gain insights and knowledge about your offer acceptance practices.

Access a ROO training recording in the Online Help section of Secure Enterprise.

We developed these resources for you! Please share your suggestions and continuous feedback with us at [email protected].


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