Education available: Time zone label updates coming to DonorNet

Education available: Time zone label updates coming to DonorNet


  • Transplant program administrators/managers, directors, quality directors/managers, quality coordinators, and data coordinators
  • OPO CEOs, medical directors, procurement directors and coordinators, and quality officers

Implementation date

April 21, 2022


Upcoming changes to DonorNet® will add time zone labels to the Potential Transplant Recipient (PTR) Offer Response page and allow entry of response times in the OPO’s local time. These improvements are a result of community feedback and are not related to a policy change.

Education on this enhancement is now available on UNOS Connect. The resource number and title is:

  • SYS176: UNetSM Time Keeping: PTR Offer Response Time Zones.

Email [email protected] for questions about the education materials or UNOS Connect.

What you need to do


  • Users will see a new dropdown, which will auto-fill with their device’s time zone.
  • Users should confirm they are correctly entering intended time before saving a response on behalf of a transplant hospital. Bypass code entry times will continue to be captured automatically by the system.
  • Users will now be required to provide a new date and time, as well as a contact name each time they make subsequent changes to a PTR response after initial response entry.

This change is in an effort to improve the quality of OPTN data, which will aid in future analyses to improve organ placement efficiency. Prior to this change, initial response date/time and contact name carried over to subsequent PTR response updates.

Transplant hospitals:

  • Users will not need to take any new action, but will notice new 3 to 4 letter time zone code labels appended to read-only times for added clarity.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

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