DonorNet Donor Disposition Reason Code updates coming soon

DonorNet Donor Disposition Reason Code updates coming soon


  • OPO Associate and Primary Medical Directors, Quality Managers/Coordinators, Organ Placement Coordinators, Organ Procurement Adms/Mgrs, Organ Procurement Coordinators, Primary OPO Administrative Directors

Implementation date

September 29, 2021


The following donor organ disposition reason codes will be removed and replaced with two new codes with different descriptions:

  • 501 – Organ Transplanted Locally
  • 502 – Organ Transplanted Shared
  • 503 – Recovered for Transplant: Discarded Locally
  • 504 –  Recovered for Transplant: Shared and Discarded

Because of the move to distance-based allocation, any reference of “shared” and “local” organ disposition reason codes have become obsolete. Changes to the donor organ disposition reason codes on the DonorNet® Donor Organ Disposition feedback page and TIEDI® Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) form are being made to ensure these codes are aligned with distance-based allocation, making it easier for members to report accurate information.

Removals and additions

 Familiarize yourself with the new codes and descriptions when reporting donor disposition codes per organ in DonorNet and TIEDI.

Disposition Code 5 – Recovered for TX but Not Tx

  • Removing:
    • 503 – Recovered for Transplant: Discarded Locally
    • 504 – Recovered for Transplant: Shared and Discarded
  • Adding:
    • 531 – Recovered for Transplant: Discarded

Disposition Code 6 – Transplanted

  • Removing:
    • 501 – Organ Transplanted Locally
    • 502 – Organ Transplanted Shared
  • Adding:
    • 530 – Organ Transplanted in the U.S.

Additional information

  • At implementation, if reason codes 501, 502, 503, or 504 were selected on an open donor organ disposition form in DonorNet, those reason code fields will be blank and will require an active reason code in order to complete feedback. Once complete, the disposition and reason codes will still cascade to the DDR in TIEDI the same way it currently does.
  • If an already validated DDR in TIEDI is edited after implementation, the reason code fields will require an active reason code to be selected in order to re-validate the form as reason code field remains required.
  • Already completed organ donor disposition feedback forms and DDRs will not show reason codes 501, 502, 503, or 504 if they were selected and will show blank reason codes.
  • After implementation, reason codes 501, 502, 503, and 504 will not display in the dropdown. For selections of:
    • “Transplanted,” a new code “530 – Organ Transplanted in the U.S.” will be available.
    • “Recovered for TX but not TX,” a new code “531 – Recovered for Transplant: Discarded” will be available.



If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 am to 7 pm EST.


For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].



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