Donor hospital location updates

Donor hospital location updates


Transplant Centers: Directors, Administrators/Managers, Quality Review Officers, Clinical Coordinators, Data Coordinators, Compliance Officers, Physicians, and Surgeons

Organ Procurement Organizations: CEOs, Administrators/Managers, Quality Review Officers, Compliance Officers, Procurement Coordinators, and Placement Coordinators

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On September 25, 2018, we improved the precision of donor hospital locations in the UNOS matching system by switching from using ZIP codes to leveraging full hospital addresses.

More details

This change is one of our continuous system improvement initiatives. We thank the OPOs who contributed to this effort, which allowed us to add addresses to every active hospital.  We will now more precisely pinpoint the location of a hospital, so matches that rely on distance will be exact.

We have added the street address to the drop-down list of hospital names to help you identify the correct hospital when registering a donor.

What you need to know

After September 25, your heart and lung match runs might look a little different than they have in the past. You may notice that some transplant centers have shifted from one distribution zone to another, based on the more precise donor hospital location.

Contact us

To request a change to your donor hospital, contact UNOS Customer Service (UNet Help Desk) at 1-800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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