Bill Hasskamp joins the DMG Registry Web Portal as Program Director

Bill Hasskamp joins the DMG Registry Web Portal as Program Director

The National DMG Registry Web Portal is pleased to announce that Bill Hasskamp joined the project as Program Director. With almost 20 years in Organ Procurement, he is well suited to his new role. Bill devoted 17 years to LifeShare of the Carolinas as a Procurement Coordinator before “retiring” in 2015. He continues to work for Clinical Consulting Associates as a traveling Procurement Coordinator. Bill became active in NATCO beginning in 1999 and served on the board continuously through his term as NATCO President in 2010-2011. He served on the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors in 2011 and on the OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee in 2012. In addition, Bill served on the Donate Life North Carolina Board; serving as Chair 2009-2011.

Bill will champion the current DMG Registry Web Portal initiatives for 2018 which include the following:

  • Increase the number of OPOs participating in the Portal and develop a self-sustaining DMG Registry framework that will continue beyond 2018.
  • Engage with prospective DMG Registry Web Portal Members to demonstrate the quality assurance and process improvement capabilities of DMG Registry Data.
  • Continue to work with all EMR vendors to develop a seamless data import functionality between all donor EMR and the DMG Web Portal.

A brief history of the Portal:
Donor Management Goals (DMGs) have become ingrained in the culture of many OPOs over the past several years, and their use has brought some standardization to the care we provide to donors. In 2012, Region 5 partnered with UNOS to develop a web-based data entry system, the National DMG Registry Web Portal. The Portal is an online tool which has successfully been used to track donor critical care data and the primary, de-identified recipient outcomes that are permitted according to the OPTN data sharing policy. What started as eight OPO’s in OPTN Region 5 has been expanded to include eight additional OPOs in seven distinct OPTN regions.

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