Denise Kinder Named Strategic Development Officer of Donor Network West

Denise Kinder Named Strategic Development Officer of Donor Network West

Donor Network West, the organ, eye and tissue recovery agency for northern California and Nevada announced the expansion of its operations with the designation of Denise Kinder as the Strategic Development Officer.ocus her efforts on continuous performance improvement allowing Donor Network West to save and heal more lives through organ and tissue donation.

Denise Kinder’s career in organ procurement spans nearly three decades. She is a well-known expert in the organ and tissue donation community. Denise began working as a transplant coordinator in 1986 and has served in many roles at Donor Network West throughout her career; Manager, Director, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Her contributions to the donation community span well beyond the walls of the organization, as she has helped shape donation practices over her tenure in the field. Denise is the recipient of the 2010 AOPO Excellence in Leadership Award; was a member of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Organ and Transplant Collaborative Expert Panel; Faculty for the HRSA Collaboratives; Co-Director of Transplant Growth and Management Collaborative; and, has served as a member of the UNOS thoracic committee. ocus her efforts on continuous performance improvement allowing Donor Network West to save and heal more lives through organ and tissue donation.

As the Strategic Development Officer, she will focus her efforts on continuous performance improvement allowing Donor Network West to save and heal more lives through organ and tissue donation.

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