Data services portal in UNet now includes Center STAR files

Data services portal in UNet now includes Center STAR files

All UNet users from transplant centers

Implementation date:
April 20, 2016.

Effective now, centers can access their own Center STAR files from the new data services portal in UNet. You can access this information by selecting Resources from the main navigation bar on the UNet homepage. Next select, Data Services > My Data Files. If you are unable to access this section, contact your UNet site administrator.

Important information about Center STAR files:
Center STAR Files contain datasets of information related to your waiting list registrations and transplants. We create the file based on data your center enters into Waiting List and Tiedi as well as additional data elements collected from OPOs and histocompatibility labs. We also include patient deaths reported from other sources.


  • Information is now available to all centers, not just by special request.
  • We will update the information monthly.
  • Includes all waiting list registrations and transplants performed at your institution since 10/1/1987.
  • Access detailed follow-up, post-transplant malignancy, and immunosuppression information about your transplant recipients.
  • Available in both SAS CPORT and delimited formats .

Need help?
Contact UNOS Customer Service at 1-800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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