Data elements in Center STAR Files will be updated on June 4, 2018

Data elements in Center STAR Files will be updated on June 4, 2018

All UNet users from transplant centers

Implementation date
June 4, 2018

As of June 4, we are adding data elements to center STAR files based on requests from professionals and needs identified by UNOS research staff. Be sure to adjust any automated process you use to import these files before that date. You can access the center STAR files from the Data Services Portal on UnetSM. Resources>Data Services>My Data Files. You’ll find updated file layouts containing the specific changes under the Documentation section.

We will implement the following changes on June 4:


  • LIVER: Donor INR; Recipient Crossmatch (T cell, B cell); SODIUM170_VAL_DON; HBA1C


KIDPAN: DAYSWAIT_CHRON_KI and DAYSWAIT_CHRON_PA – The values for these fields are also captured by the DAYSWAIT_CHRON field, therefore are duplicative and will be removed; DAYSWAIT_CHRON field will remain.

Additional information
• Data is available “on demand” to all centers with no need to submit a data requestWe update the information monthly
• Information includes all waiting list registrations and transplants performed at your institution since 10/1/1987
• You can access detailed follow-up, post-transplant malignancy, and immunosuppression information about your transplant recipients
• Available in both SAS CPORT and delimited formats

Call UNOS Customer Service at 1-800-978-4334 or [email protected].

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