COVID Collaborative webinar: Telemedicine, transplant and COVID-19

COVID Collaborative webinar: Telemedicine, transplant and COVID-19

In April, United Network for Organ Sharing launched the OPTN COVID Collaborative, a secure online platform for donation and transplant professionals to engage on COVID topics. Members’ expertise, experience and collaboration are invaluable to our community’s efforts to save lives during the global pandemic.*

Registration is now open for a May 7 webinar on a key topic emerging from discussions in the COVID Collaborative: Telemedicine.

Although telemedicine has been around for decades, the need for remote health care delivery has become front-and-center during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a time of stay at home orders and social distancing, how can transplant teams overcome challenges in order to efficiently and effectively provide care? Find webinar details and registration information below.

Telemedicine, Transplant, and COVID-19: One Transplant Center’s Experience

Webinar presented by the OPTN COVID Collaborative

Speaker: Pooja Singh, M.D., Thomas Jefferson University Hospital’s medical director of kidney-pancreas transplantation and living donor program; associate professor, division of nephrology.

In 2016, the transplant team at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals adapted and evolved a telemedicine program as an approach to providing virtual pre-transplant evaluations, living donor evaluations, and other physician/patient interactions. Dr. Pooja Singh will discuss her telemedicine experience in this live webinar, which will offer a facilitated discussion about the potential benefits and challenges involved with telemedicine. Moderated by Kristen Sisaithong, assistant director, Organizational Excellence, UNOS.

  • Please register for Telemedicine, Transplant, and COVID-19: One Transplant Center’s Experience, on May 7, 2020 12:00 PM EDT.
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • A recording will be available in the OPTN COVID Collaborative workspace for members.

*Effective July 10, 2020, the OPTN COVID Collaborative inactivated. Read the details.


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