COVID-19 updates: May 1, 2020

COVID-19 updates: May 1, 2020

Telemedicine, transplant, and COVID-19: One transplant center’s experience

Webinar presented by the OPTN COVID Collaborative

Although telemedicine has been around for decades, the need for remote health care delivery has become front and center during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a time of stay at home and social distancing, how can transplant teams overcome challenges in order to efficiently and effectively provide care?

In 2016, the transplant team at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals adapted and evolved a telemedicine program as an approach to providing virtual pre-transplant evaluations, living donor evaluations, and other physician/patient interactions.

Dr. Pooja Singh, medical director for kidney-pancreas transplantation and living donation, will discuss their telemedicine experience in a live webinar Thursday, May 7, noon to 1 p.m. EDT. Learn about the potential benefits and challenges involved with telemedicine. Register now to participate in the webinar, a recording of which will be available in the OPTN COVID Collaborative workspace for members.

OPTN members can find other important resources and information on the COVID Collaborative private site. Find details about how to register and participate.

Do you have COVID insights to share?

What practices and tools are your peers using during the pandemic that you might want to adopt? Find out in the OPTN COVID Collaborative — a secure communication platform exclusively for donation and transplant professionals to share learnings and insights.

Current discussion threads include topics such as:

  • Testing of potential recipients
  • Handling procurement team exposure
  • Challenges OPOs are facing
  • Incorporating telemedicine into day-to-day operations

The scope of discussions will include OPTN member business and administrative processes related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, and discussions will be moderated.

Participation is limited to individuals from OPTN member organizations. Registration is required. Participants will receive an email with account and login information.

For more information about the OPTN COVID Collaborative, email [email protected]


COVID-19 Weekly RUM Report now available in the UNet data services portal

In response to the COVID pandemic, a temporary version of the Recovery and Usage Maps tool, or RUM, has been developed. Accessible in the Visual Analytics section of the UNet data services portal, the COVID-19 Weekly RUM Report provides OPOs and transplant programs the most current data available regarding organ recovery and transplant activity at OPOs and programs across the country for organs with specific characteristics. The UNOS Business Intelligence team developed this tool with input from members in a desire to support the donation and transplantation community during the COVID crisis.

Stay current

We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.

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