COVID-19 update: June 3, 2021

COVID-19 update: June 3, 2021

SRTR announces monitoring changes for January 2022 reporting cycle in response to COVID-19

The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) has announced adjustments to transplant program and organ procurement organization evaluation metrics for the January 2022 reporting cycle.

At that time, the semi-annual transplant program-specific reports (PSRs) and OPO-specific reports (OSRs) published by the SRTR will be adjusted to carve out the period of March 13, 2020, through June 12, 2020, the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The SRTR previously modified both the January 2021 and the July 2021 reporting cycles in response to the global pandemic. Learn more.

Lower respiratory COVID testing now required for all deceased potential lung donors

Effective May 27, OPTN policy requires organ procurement organizations to perform lower respiratory COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) testing for all deceased potential lung donors and have test results available prior to transplant of the lungs. This will allow lung transplant programs to evaluate the risk of donor-derived COVID-19 for potential recipients. Find more details here.


Monitoring of transplant program functional activity and patient notification requirements to resume July 1

On March 25, the OPTN Membership and Professional Standards Committee agreed to resume monitoring of transplant program functional activity and patient notification requirements, effective July 1. All updates to monitoring changes may be found in a supplement to the OPTN member evaluation plan on the OPTN compliance page.

Joint society statement on COVID-19 vaccination for transplant recipients

Out of concern following multiple publications on post-transplant COVID-19 vaccine studies in solid organ transplant patients and the possibility that this will make post-transplant patients hesitant to get vaccinated, infectious disease physicians from AST and ISHLT collaborated to develop guidance urging transplant candidates to be vaccinated whenever feasible. Leaders from across the transplant community have expressed support for the statement, including AASLD, ASTS, ITNS, TTS, NATCO, CST and UNOS.


Pediatric Transplant Conference

Recording available from the inaugural conference hosted by Transplant Families.


For COVID-19 related policy and operational questions, email [email protected]

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