COVID-19 action regarding non-dialysis kidney candidate listing to sunset Sept. 1

COVID-19 action regarding non-dialysis kidney candidate listing to sunset Sept. 1

The OPTN Executive Committee, during its June 14 meeting, voted to sunset an emergency action that allows kidney transplant programs to list non-dialysis candidates who qualify for a transplant and document at a later date the data that supports their registration. This provision will expire effective Sept. 1, 2021.

The Executive Committee originally approved this provision in April 2020 as part of a set of emergency actions to assist members during the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee reviewed activity data and heard feedback from the OPTN Kidney Transplantation Committee and from kidney transplant clinicians. It concluded that while the provision helped transplant programs focus on clinical operations at the height of the pandemic, it has become less relevant as healthcare institutions resume ordinary operations.

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