Constituent Council initiative tests options to improve committee structure

Constituent Council initiative tests options to improve committee structure

The Executive Committee is sponsoring a proof of concept project to test options to improve the OPTN/UNOS Committee structure through enhanced communication and engagement.

In spring 2018 public comment, feedback to the concept paper entitled “Improving the OPTN/UNOS committee structure” indicated significant concerns about specific recommendations, but general support for the overarching goals of broadening committee engagement, improving intra-Committee communication, and increasing engagement between the Board and committees.  The Executive Committee carefully considered feedback. They discussed forging ahead with a formal proposal based on the concept paper, abandoning the project, or testing a modified version of the proposed structure that addresses concerns raised during public comment. Ultimately, they decided to pursue this latter option.

The proof of concept, which will be tested during the fall public comment cycle, maintains the original structure and purpose of all committees.  It also maintains the ability for any committees to sponsor policy projects.

Two committees, Patient Affairs and Transplant Coordinators, are testing a “Constituent Council” structure: a constituency’s official representatives on other committees (e.g. the patient representative on the Kidney Committee) as well as that constituency’s representatives on the Board of Directors will merge with the current roster of members for that committee.  This proof of concept also invites other members of the constituency who self-identify as having a patient or clinical transplant coordinator perspective, but do not serve in that official capacity on their home committee (e.g. an OPO representative on the Liver Committee who is also a recipient).

The proof of concept will last from July 1, 2018-December 30, 2018.  Lessons learned will be used to determine future expansions of the proof of concept.


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