Congressional briefing highlights transplant success, improvement

Congressional briefing highlights transplant success, improvement

The skill and dedication of the organ donation and transplant community have helped it continue to meet the needs of transplant candidates despite historic challenges. That was the theme of remarks UNOS Board President Matthew Cooper, M.D., gave at a virtual briefing Sept. 28 to members of Congress and their staff.

“Today’s briefing was a great opportunity to let elected leaders from across the nation know about the work we’ve done together and the challenges we’ve overcome to continue saving lives, even in the middle of a global health crisis,” said Cooper.

Dr. Cooper and UNOS CEO Brian Shepard provided the legislators and staffers an overview of recent policy actions and observed results to date. Topics included updates on recent revisions to liver and kidney allocation policies, as well as work in progress on various efforts to optimize equity in the transplant system.

“The fact that we’ve instituted major policy changes, with expected and improved outcomes, during a pandemic on a scale most of us have never experienced, is a testament to the resilience and commitment of donation and transplant professionals nationwide,” said Shepard. “Our elected officials appreciate our achievements but also expect us to continue to work together to make improvements and make more transplants available for those who depend daily on the lifesaving work we do.”

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