Committee defines key drivers of system performance

Committee defines key drivers of system performance

The OPTN/UNOS Ad Hoc Systems Performance Committee met Oct. 29 and 30 in Chicago. Each of the three workgroups (OPO, Transplant Center and Systems Performance) broke into subgroups to define what factors most affect the performance of the transplant system.

Over the next few months, the committee will identify specific metrics, tools, projects and efforts that measure or support system performance.

The committee will present their work at a two-day public meeting March 11 – 12, 2019. Invited speakers will present on related topics and the committee will gather feedback from the audience.

“March isn’t the finish line, but a starting point. The ideas the workgroups generate will be used to measure and improve the transplant system for years to come,” said Matthew Cooper, M.D., System Performance Committee co-chair.

Committee leadership will report to the OPTN/UNOS board of directors at their scheduled meeting in June 2019.

Ad Hoc Committee formed to address OPO, transplant center, system metrics

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