Coming soon: Simultaneous heart-kidney and lung-kidney allocation changes

Coming soon: Simultaneous heart-kidney and lung-kidney allocation changes

Implementation date

Sept. 28, 2023


New simultaneous heart-kidney and simultaneous lung-kidney policies will go into effect on Sept. 28. This policy change will require candidates to meet medical eligibility criteria for heart-kidney or lung-kidney candidates to be eligible for a required kidney share on the heart or lung match.

Once the policy goes into effect, OPOs must offer required shares that are displayed on the match run.

What you need to do

Before Sept. 28, transplant programs with candidates who need a simultaneous heart-kidney or lung-kidney need to ensure they have entered medical eligibility criteria into the patient’s heart or lung registration. Additional testing may need to be performed to gather this data.

Once the policy is implemented, patients who meet medical eligibility criteria outlined in OPTN policy will be displayed as a required kidney share on the heart or lung match run.

Additional details

Phase 1 of this simultaneous heart-kidney and simultaneous lung-kidney implementation, which added WaitlistSM fields for medical eligibility criteria data collection, was implemented on June 29, 2023.

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