OPOs: Toxoplasmosis testing of all donors is now required

OPOs: Toxoplasmosis testing of all donors is now required

On April 6, 2017, we added a Toxoplasma IgG field to the Infectious Diseases tab in DonorNet®. All OPOs are now required to conduct this additional test and report the results.

Your OPO should have solidified testing agreements with your labs and made changes to record these results in your electronic medical records or to upload them into DonorNet.


Access a learning module on UNOS Connect to learn more about these changes. You’ll find it in the Course Catalog under the Patient Safety category. Search for Toxoplasma Screening and Reporting of Test Results.

For a table summarizing all of the infectious disease reporting requirements for OPOs, see the policy notice.


At its June 2016 board meeting, the OPTN approved several measures to improve the post-transplant communication of new donor information. One of these measures was the new requirement for OPOs to test all donors for Toxoplasma IgG.



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