Coming soon: New OPTN transport label store

Coming soon: New OPTN transport label store


  • OPOs and Transplant programs
    • Directors, administrators, managers, data and quality coordinators

Implementation date

April 27, 2023


The OPTN transport label distributor will be changing April 27. Users will need to create a new account when logging onto the new label store for the first time.

What you need to do

Starting April 27, label store log in links on UNOS and OPTN websites will be updated and members will be redirected to the new vendor portal. Members can access the label store log in on through a link under Professionals, Resources, Organ transport. Users will be asked to create a new account the first time they log in. An additional communication will be sent to members on release day.

Additional details

OPTN policy requires that all OPOs and transplant programs use the external, internal and vessel labels that are distributed by the OPTN contractor when shipping or transporting organs outside the donor hospital. OPTN policy requirements for labeling, packaging and shipping organs and extra vessels remain the same. No updates will be made to the organ labels and members may continue to use any they have in stock. Labels are available at no cost to members, including shipping.

OPTN printed labels and blank TransNetSM labels will be available on the new vendor portal. For a list of TransNet recommended printers and supported equipment, please see the TransNet page on the UNOS website.


Please email [email protected]

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