Coming Soon: New image study viewer in DonorNet

Coming Soon: New image study viewer in DonorNet


  • UNetSM users who view high-quality medical image studies of donors in DonorNet® or DonorNet MobileSM

Implementation date

May 24, 2023


We are releasing a new image study viewer in DonorNet on May 24. This interactive viewer displays when a user clicks the links in the Image Studies table on the Test tab in DonorNet or the Image studies menu item in DonorNet Mobile.

The new image study viewer will provide improved image quality, especially on mobile devices, along with enhancements to the viewer tools.

What you need to do

Please review the UNet Image Study training to familiarize yourself with these tools when they become available. The updated training will be available along with the release on May 24.

Additional details

The probe tool that displays Hounsfield values will no longer be listed as a menu item. This functionality will remain the same and is “always on.” You will see the measurements in the image’s upper right-hand corner, and the values will change as you move your mouse across the image.

Education and resources

The following educational offerings are available in UNOS Connect and will be updated along with the release. Please note, if you have already registered and completed the course, be sure to use the link in the thumbnail image on the Course Details page. Click “here” to be directed to the updated course (see images below).

  • UNet Image Sharing (SYS153), has information about the viewer for the desktop version of DonorNet


  • Organ Offers on the Go: DonorNet Mobile for Transplant Hospitals (SYS165), has information about the viewer for DonorNet Mobile



If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

The Organ Center is available 24 hours a day at 800-292-9537.

View the UNetSM System Status page

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