Combined transplant program site surveys coming soon

Combined transplant program site surveys coming soon

UNOS is changing the way we conduct transplant hospital site surveys, in an effort to make the process easier and more efficient for members. Beginning in October 2016, we will combine reviews of living donor programs with multi-organ programs at the same transplant hospital. The reviews will be conducted at one time and there will be only one onsite visit every three years to cover all routine review areas.

UNOS pilot-tested this combined survey model earlier this year and asked members to provide feedback on their experience. Members responded positively, expressing increased satisfaction with the process. Members commented that the change lessened the burden on their staff, as they didn’t have to prepare for multiple survey visits. We heard similar positive feedback in 2014, when surveyors began conducting combined surveys of living donor and kidney-only transplant programs.

The UNOS site survey team has conducted transplant recipient program-specific compliance reviews since 2000, according to federal Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA) requirements. We began conducting living donor site surveys in 2011. At that time, we created a separate living donor team. As part of the current effort, site surveyors are now being cross-trained, so that all UNOS staff participating in a site survey will be in a better position to assist members and answer questions.

In order to merge survey schedules, some members may need to have a living donor survey earlier than expected.

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