COIIN Learning Congress shared key lessons

COIIN Learning Congress shared key lessons

Hospitals who participateded in the two study cohorts of COIIN (the Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network) gathered at a Learning Congress in Dallas August 7-8. The Learning Congress allowed all participants to showcase and further discuss key practices and process improvements they learned through the study phase of the three-year project.

Participating hospitals presented their findings in various topics including:

  • Evaluating and re-evaluating patients on the waiting list
  • Reviewing organ offers in collaboration with their OPO
  • Educating patients, physicians, and staff on KDPI
  • Building relationships within and between working teams
  • Planning for discharge at selection

Nineteen transplant hospitals took part in the initial pilot phase of COIIN, which ran from January to September 2017.  Thirty-six transplant hospitals participated in the second pilot phase, which lasted from October 2017 to June 2018.

Plans are underway to share effective practices learned from the project with the transplant community in coming months.  Look for additional information coming soon, including video footage of the event.

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