Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options in effect

Changes to HLA and unacceptable antigen options in effect


Transplant programs

  • Primary Program Administrators, Primary Data Coordinators, TX Program Administrators/Managers and TX Program Directors


  • Primary OPO Administrative Directors and Primary OPO Medical Directors

Histocompatibility Labs:

  • Histo Lab Adm/Managers, Histo Lab Clinical Consultants, Histo Lab Directors, Histo Lab Directors in Training, Histo Lab General Supervisors, Histo Lab Supervisors, Histo Lab Techs, Histo Lab Technical Supervisors

Implementation date

Aug. 30, 2022


Updates to HLA typing and unacceptable antigen reporting options and equivalencies have gone into effect.

HLA equivalency and option changes include:

  • Update DPB1 equivalencies to IMGT/HLA 3.44.0
  • Add allele values to DPB1 and DPA1 data fields for both HLA and unacceptable antigens
  • Remove broad antigen equivalencies to allelic antibodies

Refer to the policy notice to see details of the HLA equivalency changes that will impact donor to candidate immunologic screening and matching.

WaitlistSM changes include:

  • DQA1, DPB1, and DPA1 added for candidate HLA reporting
  • DPA1 added for candidate unacceptable antigen reporting
  • “No second antigen detected” added as an option to select for HLA- A, B, C, DR, DQB1, DQA1, DPB1, and DPA1

DonorNet® changes include:

  • Additional DPB1 allele options added for HLA reporting
  • DPA1 locus added for donor HLA reporting
    • DPA1 typing is required for kidney, kidney-pancreas, pancreas, or pancreas islet organ offers
  • “No second antigen detected” added as an option to select for HLA- A, B, C, DR, DQB1, DQA1, DPB1, and DPA1

TIEDI® changes include:

  • Added allele values to DPB1 and DPA1 data fields.

What you need to do

Transplant programs

  • If the candidate has DPA1 unacceptable antigens, enter these in Waitlist.
  • Enter DQA1, DPB1 and DPA1 HLA typing for your candidates in Waitlist.


  • Enter DPA1 for donor HLA in DonorNet. Complete donor HLA is required for kidney, kidney-pancreas, pancreas and pancreas islet match offers.


If you have additional questions, contact [email protected]

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