Changes to histocompatibility typing and CPRA display

Changes to histocompatibility typing and CPRA display


All UNetSM users, particularly staff who view, edit or change human leukocyte antigens, or HLA

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Implementation Date:

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Policy on Addressing HLA Typing Errors took effect on Feb. 27.


At a glance:

Effective Feb. 27, UNet users who enter HLA typing manually into any UNet system (including WaitlistSM, DonorNet®, KPDSM and TIEDI®) are required to double enter HLA typing for verification of data entry.

The display of calculated panel reactive antibodies, or CPRA, on UNet and the OPTN website were also updated to show additional precision.


What you should know about the Addressing HLA Typing Errors project:

Waitlist, DonorNet, KPD and TIEDI

Manual changes to a candidate or donor’s HLA typing test results now require double entry from the same user for HLA typing verification. Initial entries and verification entries must match in order for HLA typing to be updated. Double entry is not required for HLA typing test results uploaded into UNet.


Waitlist, DonorNet and KPD

A new HLA typing audit log has been introduced allowing UNet users to view changes to HLA typing for a candidate or donor.


DonorNet for host organ procurement organizations

All changes to a local deceased donor’s HLA typing test results must be made on the “Crossmatch & HLA” tab. HLA typing results can no longer be changed on the donor’s match run page.

Test donors are not impacted by any efforts of this project.


What you should know about the display of CPRA on UNet:

Waitlist, KPD, and OPTN website

The “detailed CPRA value” now displays as a value less than or equal to one, rounded to six decimal places. The “CPRA value used for allocation, per OPTN policy” now displays as a whole number percent.


The CPRA calculator only displays for kidney, pancreas, and kidney-pancreas registrations.

What you should know about the display of CPRA on the OPTN website calculator:

The OPTN CPRA calculator has been updated to improve user experience. The list of check boxes of unacceptable antigens has been replaced with auto-populated text boxes that allow for easier selection of unacceptable antigens. When the CPRA value is calculated, an interpretation and visual representation is displayed to help provide context to the calculation.


A video previewing the UNet changes can be found in UNOS Connect, titled, “Addressing HLA Typing Errors — Preview of New UNet Functionality.” Production and release of this video occurred prior to final implementation, however, any differences between this video and what you see in UNet have no impact on the process demonstrated or actions required of members.


How can I access the module?

Log in to UNOS Connect. Locate the module titled “Addressing HLA Typing Errors — Preview of New UNet Functionality” in the system course catalog category or use the search feature and enter SYS154. Click the register button and then the launch button to access the course. This video is approximately 8 minutes long.




If you have questions, please contact UNOS Customer Service at 800-978-4334 or email [email protected].

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