Call for Nominations for the 2019-2020 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors

Call for Nominations for the 2019-2020 OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors

[Update: expired weblinks removed. Click here to learn more about volunteering for the OPTN.]

The OPTN/UNOS Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2019-2020 Board of Directors. Voting members of the Board of Directors are elected by a vote of the entire membership and serve as volunteers without compensation.

Individuals may self-nominate or nominate others by submitting a biography form [link removed].

The Nominating Committee will be taking nominations for the following open positions this year:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (see job description/qualifications [link removed])
  • Treasurer (see job description/qualifications [link removed])
  • Minority Transplant Professional Representative
  • At-Large MD(s) – The Nominating Committee strongly encourages nominations from individuals practicing transplant medicine.
  • At-Large (Other) – The Nominating Committee is actively seeking nominations from individuals working in other areas of transplant and procurement, particularly those serving as transplant program administrators and/or coordinators and those working in infectious disease. Also of interest are those involved with VCA transplantation.
  • 3 Patient and Donor Affairs Representatives—Individuals must be one of the following:
  • transplant candidate
  • transplant recipient
  • living donor
  • organ donor or recipient family member

This year, the Nominating Committee is especially seeking nominees who have the following skill sets:

  • experience in corporate or non-profit governance
  • knowledge of health care finances and organizational financial planning
  • expertise in quality/process improvement and strategic planning

Individuals with experience serving on an OPTN/UNOS committee are strongly preferred. Those interested in being considered or nominating someone else for a position on the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors must submit a biography form.

Responsibilities of OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors Members


Voting Directors of the Board are elected nationally and serve on the OPTN and UNOS Boards as fiduciaries for each entity.*

Board of Director Terms Directors serve for a term of two years, with exceptions as noted below.

These Directors serve three-year terms:

  • Transplant candidates.
  • Transplant recipients.
  • Organ donors.
  • Family members of transplant candidates, recipients or organ donors.
  • Representatives of voluntary health organizations.
  • Representatives of the general public.

The Board of Directors may vote to extend the term of any of these Directors for one year. A Director’s term may not be extended more than two times.

Responsibilities and Obligations

As a Board of Directors member, an individual must be capable of and commit to fulfilling all of the following responsibilities for the duration of the term in office:

  • Attend and participate in all in-person Board meetings. Board meetings are currently held in June and December of each year. UNOS covers reasonable costs and travel expenses related to in-person Board meetings.
  • Prepare for Board meetings by reviewing agenda and supporting materials, ask informed questions, and make positive contribution to discussion during meetings. Treat others with trust and respect.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all matters discussed in OPTN or UNOS Closed Sessions as well as all materials related to Closed Sessions,
  • Attend and actively participate in Board orientation and education sessions.
  • Understand and follow all conflict of interest policies of the OPTN and UNOS.
  • Attend and participate in a regional meeting each public comment cycle. UNOS will cover reasonable expenses for Board members who do not receive institutional support to attend/participate in the regional meeting.
  • Participate in the development, prioritization, and implementation of projects intended to further goals in the OPTN/UNOS strategic plan.
  • Actively participate in Board policy groups, Board Committees, Board self-assessment and other activities as requested.
  • Stay informed of and meet all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Act as an ambassador for the OPTN and UNOS.


  • Individuals serving in this position must meet all of the following qualifications:
  • Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for saving lives through organ procurement and transplantation.

A commitment to working with a diverse group of individuals and finding consensus. Prior service on an OPTN/UNOS standing or ad hoc committee is strongly preferred, however, it is not a requirement.

* The Project Officer for the OPTN Contract and the Director of the Division of Transplantation (DoT) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), or a designee of the Director, serve as ex-officio members of the Board without vote. The terms of this job description do not apply to ex-officio Board Members.

OPTN/UNOS Committee Service
There are 20 standing or ad hoc OPTN/UNOS policy committees that act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. The incoming OPTN/UNOS President appoints the members of these committees after recommendation by committee leadership and regional nominating committees. Individuals interested in serving on a committee in 2019-2020 must also fill out the biography form at the link above and indicate the committee(s) of interest.

A Committee Service call for nominations with more specifics on these open positions will be released in early September.

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